World premiere! Japanese famous cartoonist Mori Tsunji autograph, anime IP “HOLYLAND” series NFT released on ANIMETA!

Recently, the animation NFT platform ANIMETA and Japan’s well-known cartoonist Mori Heng Er teacher reached cooperation, the launch of the “HOLYLAND” series of NFT, the world’s first total of five NFT works, other works will be online one after another; it is reported, “HOLYLAND” series of NFT are personally created by Mr Mori Heng Er , ANIMETA exclusive release, each NFT have the author’s autograph!


ANIMETA official website:


NFT selling price: 80 USDT

NFT selling time:.

Japan time September 6, 2022, 19:00

New York time 06:00 on September 6, 2022

September 6, 2022, 10:00 CET (Greenwich Mean Time)

Bangkok time 18:00 on September 6, 2022

Beijing time 18:00 on September 6, 2022

Japanese super popular fighting anime <HOLYLAND>

HOLYLAND” is the debut work of Mr. Mori Tsunji, who created a realistic fighting manga based on his own experience in street fighting and practice of fighting techniques as a teenager. The excellent plot, realistic fighting scenes and careful explanation of street fighting skills based on one’s own experience give readers a strong sense of reality and immersion, and are even revered as the bible of street fighting. This time, ANIMETA’s “HOLYLAND” series NFT is dedicated to bringing back the glory of the past in the global perspective.

Renowned Anime Writer Tsunehji Mori

Mori Tsunji, born in Tokyo, is a famous Japanese anime writer. His manga books include “HOLYLAND”, “Suicide Island”, “Unable Island”, “Sabotage X Revolution”, etc. His parents encouraged him to become a professional baseball player, but in junior high school, inspired and influenced by a fighting anime “Ganbare Genki”, he found himself more suitable for drawing, and Tsunji Mori decided to become a manga artist, and a long road of manga creation began.

In 2000, Mr. Mori’s work “HOLYLAND” became a hit, and the manga was later made into a TV series by a Korean film company starring Shin Dong-ho, depicting the process of a small, cowardly protagonist who begins to practice and become proficient in various martial arts such as boxing, taekwondo, judo, and wrestling.

Currently, Sensei Mori Hangji has entered into a partnership with ANIMETA platform. In order to let more people know about “HOLYLAND”, Mori Tsunji-sensei posted on his personal Twitter saying, “Releasing the NFT illustration series “HOLYLAND” on ANIMETA is a brand new attempt, and I myself am constantly figuring it out, enjoying the charm of NFT illustration creation while continuing to bring you better works.”

ANIMETA Platform Introduction

ANIMETA platform is positioned as an open and aggregated anime NFT trading platform, covering functions and gameplay such as NFT asset creation, circulation, storage and trading. Taking NFT as the entry point, it links the upstream and downstream of the traditional animation industry and systematically builds a platform for outstanding animation creators with works on the chain, open trading and derivatives-related market as the core. It breaks the boundaries of space through the interactive experience of virtual and real integration, creates a new anime meta-universe, and allows creators and ANIMETA to quickly establish a connection with each other.

At present, ANIMETA has launched its official website as well as IOS and Android App.

ANIMETA official website

It is worth mentioning that ANIMETA platform APP application consists of trading market, NFT distribution, auction, DMW area, etc. At present, the APP home page is online 5 “HOLYLAND” series NFT, other NFT works will be online one after another.

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ANIMETA’s future outlook

As a brand new concept market, metaverse has great potential for expansion in various fields, which is one of ANIMETA’s important strategic layout at present. In the future, ANIMETA will continue to sign up popular animation IPs, develop virtual characters, virtual idols, virtual entertainment and other meta-universe ecologies with the advantage of its own platform for animation creators, so that various animation and star IPs can be virtualized as “entities” and open a unique path of meta-universe creation. Revive the past glory of anime industry? Will ANIMETA be able to revive the past glory of the anime industry and push the industry towards a new development trend? Let’s wait and see!



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